Monday, January 3, 2011

And a new year begins...

Welcome! I have lots of doubts as I set up this blog and look at the impending task I’ve set for myself: committing to performing and writing about a different life experience each week of 2011. You probably noticed that I’ve only committed to 50 weeks instead of the year’s actual 52 week calendar…just leaving myself a little wiggle room in case I need a week’s break or a little vacation.

I more or less have all of the weeks planned for the year. I was surprised at how easily the 50 concepts came flowing into my brain. Really, it’s a way for me to capture the dozens of ideas that are constantly swimming around in my head. The “I should try…” and the “Oh, I would love to do…” and “Wow, another year has gone by and I still haven’t…”. I also have a tendency to think I ‘should’ accomplish everything RIGHT NOW! By initiating this 50 Week Experiment, I can still accomplish everything, I just don’t have to worry about exploring my chakras, until say, September.

I’m not going to learn to run or start a raw food diet. I just don’t want to. My list of 50 experiments are things that I have a true interest in, or want to get back to doing, or that maybe I already have a bit of experience with, but want to explore further.

Wish me luck!

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